Thursday, May 17, 2012

idk what is wrong or true anymore.

browsing some fb profiles ( not stalking you moron ).been there done that,i know u wanna be a good person but by faking it?NUH-UH-UH.i still can smell the rotten lies within it.u can always say good things,spread it,share it but u CANNOT overshadow the sweet lies in,im telling u,if u wanna lie,u better do it without getting caught.i rarely get offended by people on fb coz im neutral,U GOT NOTHING AGAINST ME,whewww.good effort if u wanna change,nothing stands in ur way dude,neither do i but hear me out,u cant cheat me twice nor thrice nor whatsoever coz im sick of it.

p/s : ppl nowadays always point one finger to others but did not realized their 4 fingers are pointing back at him/her.